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godfeels, plurality 

[glances nervously at my dirk fictive]


"A god is only as powerful as their need to act."


"it's not like things were supposed to just... be perfect in the end. . . . isn't that an unrealistic thing to want?"


you know that part in rose: enter where rose pounds her fist against a door shouting "strider"? Thais me but I'm shouting "zedig"

godfeels, dads 

I don't think I know a lot of people who had this, but it makes a lot of sense to me. my dad was... crummy, but a dad like june's dad would also have not been good for my growth. better, sure, like, the genuine support would've been great, but... "guy in a suit", bleh. you know?


Holy shit "John" switching her own voice between her own and vriska's is phenomenal!


wow! end of godfeels 2 part 1 is absolutely shattering!

godfeels (part 2 part 2), alc 

"What is this, everclear? That's one of the mild ones, r8?"


godfeels (part 2 part 2), alc 

I got alcohol poisoning just reading this paragraph

godfeels (part 2 part 2) 

chapter 2



godfeels (part 2 part 2) 

.... does june also have a fucking caliborn aspect holy shit what

godfeels (part 2 part 2) 

jegus fuck.

... liked that depiction of dirk though. someone else did too. he's glad to see the better sides of his deal represented.

godfeels (part 2 part 2) 

Jane's very particular "benevolent" transphobia is so good. I've come to love aspects of Post Canon Jane Crocker but this is just so accurate to.... who she is. The worst parts of her, which are part of the core of her.

I'm really glad parajane is compelled to embody the good aspects by her unavoidable proximity to other minds

the strilondes in my brain are influencing this expression

godfeels (part 2 part 2) 

I didn't expect to also be getting dirkfeels here, but my brain ghost is aware of the fic and is not making me dizzy

godfeels (part 2 part 2) 

Jane's benevolent transphobia being sincere was not something I really expected but I'm glad it's here. she reminds me of a more intense version of my grandma.

godfeels (part 2 part 2), meandering off into plurality 

I doubt our dirk could pull off being this Cool because he is somewhat limited by the kind of cool that I am, but the core is there.

godfeels (part 2 part 2) 

the juxtaposition of "unkilling all your friends" with "body dysphoria meltdown" is a lot, it's so heavy, so good, so real.

did i just call "unkilling all your friends" real

godfeels (part 2 part 2) 

leliana dragon age covered this

godfeels (part 2 part 2) 

the family matters scene punched me in the nose

godfeels (part 2 part 2) 

he even appreciated his beatdown. our dirk knows he's a motherfucker.

godfeels (part 2 part 2) 

he knows there are versions of him that don't want to be Better. and one of the things he embodies about me is the fear that we can't be better and that we don't *really* want to be better.

so he thought that was good.

godfeels (part 2 part 2) 

the fact that godfeels jade is so accurate to parajade is pretty great and weird

godfeels (part 2 part 2) 

June eg8ert has all the bpd, all of it. also a lot of did. she's got disorders syndrome.

godfeels (part 2 part 2) 

chapter 5, or, "splitting has a couple definitions, depending on which disorder you're thinking about"

godfeels (part 2 part 2) 

chapter 5 or, terezi processes her trauma through lacan

godfeels (part 2 part 3) 

terezi taking over narration to help June keep herself under control is really cool holy shi--

that's what my dirk is doing isn't it

godfeels (part 2 part 3) 

starting to cry because this is.... this is the part of me that became, or was ridden by, the rose in my head. and she and I are glad to see it.

this whole scene is very in keeping with our rose. it's neat.

godfeels (part 2 part 3), meandering plurality joke 

Sarah zedig's dirk and rose are perfectly accurate to my headmates; does nepeta ever show up?

has she ever written anything about John Constantine

what about Sophia Me

godfeels (part 2 part 3) 

the big emotional scene where june explains that she has the same fears as rose and that rose naming those fears the way she is makes things worse is ---

god FUCKIGN damnit good shit good shit good SHIT

godfeels (part 2 part 3) 

karkat is such a good boy....

godfeels (part 2 part 3) 

being trans gender is indeed an ill fucking move, you are really kicking ass dave

godfeels (part 2 part 3) 

Kanaya saying Canoodling

godfeels (part 2 part 3) 



godfeels (part 2 part 3), weird plurality 

I'm on the Roxy conversation in ch 2. I think I know what the plan is (and I think my dirk indicates that what I think it is would work against him but it's hard to tell my thoughts from thoughts he makes me have sometimes) but i don't know and it's exciting

· · Web · 1 · 0 · 2

godfeels (part 2 part 3) 

yeah Terezi being horny for her own death is good

godfeels (part 2 part 3) 

bang bang egbert's zilly hammer came down, upon their head!

godfeels (part 2 part 3) 

"did you just misgender terezi" probably not

godfeels (part 2 part 3) 

we did NOT know what the plan was holy shit

godfeels (part 2 part 3) 

Dave's confession is killing me

godfeels (part 2 part 3) 

i knew dirk was gonna do that eventually. good strategic move. clever bastard.

godfeels (part 2 part 3) 

June: wow I sure did refuse to change
June: w8 a fucking second DID EVERYONE REFUSE TO CHANGE?

godfeels (part 2 part 3), hs2 

the destruction wrought by a refusal to change is my favorite part of post-canon homestuck and I think that most of the people who hate it don't like that part, or don't recognize that it's thematic, or don't even recognize how much the characters haven't changed. I see it the most with people hating it because of dirk and Jane being villainous.

godfeels (part 2 part 3), hs2, pesterquest 

and I am really interested in branches where people do change. the ending of dirk's route in pesterquest brought me so much joy because here's a dirk who is really genuinely and thoroughly being given the opportunity and tools to change. most pesterquest characters are being given that chance and that's good. but seeing their refusal to change so prominent? fucking rules. that's what the story is. or should be.

godfeels (part 2 part 3), hs2 

none of that directly feeds into the nebulously related thought that, while I do like hs2 as a text quite a bit, godfeels is my preferred post-canon

godfeels (part 2 part 3) 

terezi pyrope more like literally perfect

godfeels (part 2 part 3) 

this is some of the best davekat I've ever read

godfeels (part 2 part 3) 

oh Holy fuck terezi oh no oh no

godfeels (part 2 part 3) 

i have to stop because I'm getting to work but WHY IS TEREZI GLOWING is a really great place to leave off, the mad genius wasn't even god tier yet

(and the fact that I read it while "do you remem8er me" was playing is very fucking funny)

godfeels (part 2 part 3) 

Jake going max power by his own volition kinda fucking rules

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