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psycholonials ch 2 livetrill 

how many times have people said "it's very, um, clown heavy" to hussie

psycholonials ch 2 livetrill 

Completely baffled that I didn't realize the extent to which Z is hussie's self insert until she started talking about how she's going to do a photo shoot as a clown and then release her content as a serial

psycholonials ch 2 livetrill 

one of her antis is "Softboi_Makara" hehehehehehe

psycholonials ch 2 livetrill 

That last dialogue had me and @Paradox absolutely unable to look away, VERY good funny shit

psycholonials ch 2 livetrill oh my god the bandcamp album is tagged "Nantucket"

psycholonials ch 2 livetrill 

linked to The Influencer specifically because i was tryign to figure out which song it sounded like, it's Requited

psycholonials ch 2 speculation 

i think it would be very funny if the cops are just looking for z because the antis called them on her for being problematic. it would end up serving as a veil for the actual (morally good) crimes she's doing.

she did a pretty godawful job of covering her tracks though so they're probably there for the cop killing.

psycholonials ch 2 speculation 

i am very excited to find out who that narrator is. batshit idea: cirava.

psycholonials ch 2 speculation 

I'm wondering if becoming the successor will prompt a retcon type situation, and we/z will get to go back through the story making Choices

psycholonials shitpost 

did hussie ever live in detroit

psycholonials unfounded pre ch3 prediction 

this chapter will mention discordianism. this is a psychic test by me

psycholonials ch 3 livetrill 


psycholonials ch 3 livetrill 

hussie tallsprites don't have asses

psycholonials ch 3 livetrill 

clown gender clwon gender gcolown gender

psycholonials ch 3 livetrill 

fuck yeah that is the good shit

psycholonials ch 3 spoilers 

z explaining that sex is a weapon for her was sure heartbreaking!

psycholonials ch 3 spoilers 

my partner quiet has slept through our reading sessions and only popped in for about the last half of this chapter. without any context, they have become fascinated by Percy. @Paradox described him as, i think "Harry Anderson Egbert ass"?

psycholonials ch 3 spoilers 

i am really hells of pumped to see how the anti stuff intersects with the cop killing stuff.

I am looking forward to seeing how it intersects with the real world evil of cops in the context of 2020, but am also wary because that is a VERY racially based topic and hussie has a pretty rough history with racism.

psycholonials ch 3 spoilers 

i was wrong about all of my predictions I knew i would be wrong about. the cops were there about the cop killing and not the antis being weird; discordianism was not mentioned; and the chapter did not end with 3 cops

psycholonials ch 4 livetrill 

abby and z are so insanely cute omfg

psycholonials ch 4 livetrill 

Jade: "Hussie, what is it with horses???"
Me: "Horses are fucking hilarious."

psycholonials ch 4 livetrill 

"Dear... do not chant "hallucination hallucination hallucination!" at me." - @Paradox

psycholonials ch 4 livetrill 

holy fucking shit

psycholonials ch 4 IDE/Theory and homestuck 

I really hate how much I think that the carnival (vriska) and meenah visited was probably the Jubilitie realm?

psycholonials ch 4 spoilers 

at least once per chapter I say "Z is such a Strilonde" and "Z is literally [my former best friend]"

psycholonials ch 4 spoilers & speculation 

I'm so fucking excited to see how z's merciless cop killing plays out in the context of her followers who hate cops

psycholonials ch 5 livetrill 

"after your second and third cop murders of the year"

psycholonials ch 5 livetrill 

Jade: "I don't think [Percy] knows anything. I think when Z made out with him she dementor kissed him and sucked out his soul."


psycholonials ch 5 livetrill 

..... does this song sound like kum susser todd?

psycholonials ch 5 livetrill 

bitch started an autonomous zone

psycholonials ch 5 livetrill 


that's all the mgs5 stuff in the trailer!!!!!!!!

psycholonials ch 5 livetrill 

this is an extremely hussie piece of art

psycholonials ch 5 livetrill 

holy FUUUUUCK that ruled

psycholonials ch 5 spoilers 

keep thinking about how the trailer did gesture at this plan, with dclussie joining icp and kojima on the diamond dogs oil rig

psycholonials ch 5 disk horse 

i stepped into the disk horse mines as it is one of my favored methods of self harm. i think there's definitely room for criticism on the lines of z's being victimized in early 2020 by police violence while not being black, and hussie's use of character models in this context certainly is less than ideal

but "it's racist because clowns derive from minstrel shows" really strikes me as very incorrect for a number of reasons

psycholonials ch 5 speculation 

ok so the "this doesn't happen in the game" bit was gesturing at a sea-based militia uprising of clowns

what will revolver ocelot turn out to be


psycholonials ch 5 speculation 

i just rewatched the trailer. there's a lot going on in there

· · Web · 1 · 0 · 0

psycholonials ch 6 livetrill 

yeah that's a good "previously on"

psycholonials ch 6 livetrill 

Jade points out that this ties in to the gun that was underwater in chapter one. the dry powder.

psycholonials ch 6 livetrill 

yaoi paddle

psycholonials ch 6 livetrill 

oh m y god that's hussie

psycholonials ch 6 livetrill 

oh and that's the clown from the trailer

psycholonials ch 6 livetrill 

oh fuck everyone has normal faces, none of them are little pixel dudes, abby sees everyone as people and not simps ----- the eyes ----------

(courtesy of @Paradox but she's saying it better)

psycholonials ch 6 livetrill 


psycholonials ch 6 livetrill 

OH SHIT they ARE the fucking psycholonials

psycholonials ch 6 livetrill 

Quiet: "shoutout to Hussie for depicting a nosebleed without a nose"

psycholonials ch 6 livetrill 

oh what the fuck oh what the FUCk

psycholonials ch 6 livetrill 

Quiet is a Joculine kinnie (they aren't)

psycholonials ch 6 livetrill 

holy FUCK i called EXACTLY who Joculine was at the start of the debriefing! I didn't remember her name but I knew it was the one who said "if you stan this awful person" in chapter 1 or 2

psycholonials ch 6 thoughts/speculation/etc 

i noticed that in the riotus dreamscape, the moon pushed beyond the edges of the panel. then when Z and Abby left the debriefing, they also went out of bounds. has that been happening the whole time?

psycholonials ch 6 hypothetical disk horse 

have the haters pivoted yet to saying that Z being half Asian while leading an anti American revolution is promoting sinophobia

psycholonials ch 7 livetrill 

are the pictures of obama and rowling angrier

psycholonials ch 7 livetrill 

the work is kpop rpf now. it's just. it's kpop rpf.

psycholonials ch 7 livetrill 

holy FUCK that was good

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