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OC posting 

this thread starts pretty slow because I was a mental and physical wreck for most of 2018-2019, real lost year shit. I got my chronic pain more controlled though by the end of 2019.

and then the Homestuck Renaissance happened. and I decided that I didn't care any more about whether or not creating outrageous fan trolls was "cringe"

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Cuomo/expressionist graphical style 


Thanks to BQ for the colors, they loaned me their markers u.u

Sometimes you just see a shitty man and think I gotta capture the whole sorta ruined angular malevolence of this

OC posting 

these are designs for the creatures of Shade World, which was one of the other settings I came up as models. we got spooky lemures, sapient velociraptor type things, and I think my favorite for "wow this is different", this sorta horseshoe crab sea scorpion thing. had a miserable time with these guys until I thought to just... flip them upside down.

they were all meant to be pretty streamlined cause Shade World was supposed to be a Flash game

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OC posting 

I was playing around with several settings that I thought could be prototypes for shared world fiction. one of them was this weird setting sorta meant to be D&D plus 80s fantasy cartoons (she ra, he man, &c)

here's a coupla guys from that setting. I like it when cat people look like cats standing up on their hind legs i.e. weird

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You Don't Have To Be Crazy To Post Here...

But It Helps!

OC posting 

ummm 8 is a good number to pause at for now I think lol

sorry to frontload a bunch of nudes aksdfjhadksjfadskf

whew like 2 people have ever seen a few of these 😰 feeling so nervous about sharing them hahaha

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OC posting/nude fursona/it's zoe!! 

this, after some preliminary pen studies that I didn't scan, was my first real take at my fursona! at this point I still had her with wings rather than her feathers integrated into her arms like is standard now, and I hadn't quite settled on the more cartoony rendering of the face that I'm using these days. also she was like heavier set and didn't have a hen because idk I was Working Through Some Self Image Shit at that point. whew this is actually very personal

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OC posting/nsfw like extremely so this is just xeno porn/body horror?/slime 

I have this short story written for a setting that Juniper and I were toying around with that features this entity. she's sort of a high level emissary of the goddess of darkness in the setting and basically can patch in a direct link to communicate with that goddess

via um

well tentacle fucking. like. obviously.

the second image is the first attempt at it; the second obviously is much more lively and characterized

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OC posting/nsfw like extremely so this is just xeno porn 

this isn't really a character this is just something I was TFing another woman into while roleplaying >_> and then I decided to draw her afterwards cause I liked the description lol

second image is attempts at more lewd poses. drawing porn is hard 😩 it's so much effort to get the anatomy working

but... I kinda like these, and kinda want to do more nsfw stuff >_>

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OC posting/well actually this is deltarune fan art but w/e 

as the cw says this is fan art BUT I like the idea of Susie having this sort of more equine design, because the thing is, right, horses are fucking freaky looking.

this is one of the last things I drew in canada before I crashed back home. my chronic pain was really bad during this period...

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OC posting/fungal horror? 

this is sort of anachronistic, as a starting point, but fuck it, here's a myxogast, one of the species in the setting for my games

they can hear but not speak, and primarily communicate via scent. they're grown on corpses! they're mostly quite friendly though and I think they're beautiful. they usually wear beaked hoods when in human society.

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Art and automation's merger long predates cryptoart's use of procedural generation.

You'll never hear NFT sellers talk seriously about that history, though, cause it reveals not just NFT art's contradictions, but also its cynical laziness.

Depression comix/this one's just a drawing tho/abstract horror? 

Did this one last week after losing a few hours to dissociation during some more fandom trauma bullshit

Dysphoria comix/nude self portrait/art history 

What if I made my post clinic visit dysphoria meltdown into a comic though I asked myself

I wasn't stalked. a youtuber said so, so I guess I better get my facts straight.

NFT art is bad for the environment, and bad for artists, but critics and supporters of NFT art are both missing a key fact: it's also just bad art. Whether Beeple or Bugmeyer, it's time the stars of the NFT revolution experienced some real art criticism.

Bo Burnham's movie "Inside" stretches the term "comedy special" to shattering. That breakdown is about more than the Internet, though. It's about our whole way of life and how we connect to each other.

variants of fools gold
dunce's gold
rube's gold (found in large chunks, a rube's gold-berg if you will)
bluecheck's gold
real dipshit's gold

Depression comix/quarantine 

Thinking about durationality

Enjoying developing some recurring visual language for these

Feeling crushingly lonely due to the awareness that I have been alone for a long time

The new bo burnam fucked me right up oops

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