
thank you madam secretary I will be voting for whoever Target is this November their plan looks like the best by far can't believe target the corporation is running for president and has a better plan than both candidates

@kate got to love the ol "here's why my candidate is wholly inadequate and barely any different to his opponent, please vote for him or else"

@kate can't believe they're openly going for "we suck less" -- really catering to the people who will always vote blue no matter who

@kate really love how biden's plan levels off even though it hasn't even come close to hitting the target reduction

@radicalrobit @kate I think this analysis was basically about "what their plans are for the next term".

So it's not so specifically predictive about what would happen or be done past that point, but shows how their pledges contribute in the short term and what the long-run effects of those initial short term activities are from jan 2025 to jan 2029.

Which is why stuff levels off in a similar way.

Both Biden and Trump want to kill you. Trump wants to shoot you with a shotgun. Biden wants to drown you. Stop making excuses for murderous politicians.

@kate @radicalrobit

@kate This is silly critique of Biden and demonstrates a deep unseriousness.

Biden and Trump are only projected to have the same climate policy after 2030 because no one has a climate policy after 2030.

Biden's projected line to 2030 will continue on that trend. Trump's projected line will turn back up after 2030.

Getting a president who does what you want but doesn't look the way you expect.

@tob domestic fossil fuel production is higher than ever under Biden and also he’s actively supporting a genocide. everyone who votes for him is going to hell

@kate You're not the first person to tell me I'm going to hell. You're joining a pretty awful club, but it does have a lot of members.

@tob enjoy your moral superiority, liberal. genocide and climate catastrophe unfolds with your approval

@kate @tob

I am just laughing at Tom being the last fan in the Deeply Serious Cheer Section and priding himself on not giving up his post.

@tob @kate what if I told you

Life doesn't have to suck for 90% of people on the planet

And the fact that it does

Is a choice made every single day by all of the people who find the current exploitative, genocidal hell system acceptable?

And I would like to note that you are, right here, declaring that you don't care about genocide, and you think you have moral high ground? That's disgusting, you should be ashamed of yourself.

@FarmingWarMech @kate Ah yes, it's me claiming the moral high ground and standing in judgment of people I don't know.

Very observant.

@tob @FarmingWarMech @kate You are surprisingly self-aware, yet I sense you lack confidence in that self-awareness.

@tob whoever wins the election, we must fight them to the death. The only reason to vote for Biden is that he's slightly weaker in terms of internal repression of democracy. To pretend that Biden's climate plans are adequate is to lie, and to participate in the ongoing ecocide. @kate

Biden on Climate

That yellow target line was Biden's 2021 goal. It's what he promised he'd do during his term. He failed to get on track for it.

But even if he succeeded. That's the line for 2°C. He promised that he'd fail catastrophically but couldn't even pull that off.

Biden on Climate 

@o76923 @kate It's a very special kind of nihilism that looks at those trend lines and says, "it doesn't matter, we're all doomed regardless."


Opposing Biden doesn't mean it's hopeless because we have given up. It also doesn't mean we support Trump. It means dump the awful guy!

@tob @kate If I didn't want to be criticized for having an inadequate plan that doesn't mention anything past 2030 I would simply have an adequate plan that goes past 2030.

@kate could you please indicate that this is a screenshot of a twitter post? some people have filters specifically to avoid them.

@ch0ccyra1n no! you’re welcome to defederate from my instance if you don’t like that. Have a nice day.

@kate before I defederate, I'd like to understand why you won't?

@ch0ccyra1n onerous restrictions on tagging for innocuous material devalue the CW system, imo

@kate I didn't even ask that it be a content warning. I wouldn't mind if it was just something in the alt text along the lines of "Twitter post from [insert person here]", since the filter I set up would catch that.

@ch0ccyra1n okay, well, that’s your prerogative. I’m not setting a policy on my website to accommodate that.


In case anyone's wondering if the USA's "target" aligns with the Paris agreement of 1,5°:

No it doesn't

@kate ...finally a third alternative we can all rally behind: #votefortarget

@kate both are fucked up but one is way more dangerous short and long term that the other. Sadly Americans only have the choice between colera and pest, but it's also important to vote.

The system is broken because non voters are totally ignored. Not voting is not protesting, it's basically doing nothing to the count. If trump gets 51% of the votes with 10% participation or with 70% doesn't mean shit in this system. There is no threshold under which an election is deemed invalid.

So for the love of your non cis-het-white male acquaintances, i hope you vote.... Yes Biden is not an angel AT ALL. Yes he's a fucking asshole on MANY points... He's not a good option. At all. But he's the least worst.

Again not voting doesn't mean shit in this system. If you wanna be seen and heard, protest, show up, be present and involve yourself actively.

To be clear, if I had both in front of me I'd puke on both of them. I shook Biden’s hand (real) and he feels like a ghoul from fallout, but I just turned 18 and I have to vote or else my parents will hate me. This is to say that I’d rather there be another option that actually does things, but I agree that voting is better than not voting.

@Ariane why did you diap out liberal style why did you decide to do that

@Ariane @kate he's literally not even the least worst, your standards just embrace the harm he does. vote for me, i promise to publicly execute every billionaire in the world and every us general, and doing literally nothing else would still beat both their climate plans i bet the fuck else am i supposed to do other than vote blue? i want to do something else, so tell me, what do i do? call me a biden ballgargler or whatever but unless you’ve got something better, i’m voting for him.

@k how about you start by respecting yourself and not selling out for an active genocide

This is the best thing I've read today. I award you one internet for your service both to calling out Biden ballwashers and to comedy.


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