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definitely the most fucked up new experience i've been having lately is looking through old art and liking it

@paulsrockinmastodon [bene gesserit voice] BUY INDEX FUNDS OR GET A HIGH-YIELD SAVINGS ACCOUNT RIGHT NOW.

and that's to say nothing of the fact that by deciding which group your land "rightfully belongs to" it erases smaller tribes that have as legitimate of a claim to the area, but just didn't survive colonialism as good as the tribe you're claiming the area belongs to

In Edgartown, on the land aknowlegement map, land once inhabited by the Chappaquiddic tribe is labeled as belonging to the Pokanoket of the Wompanoag nation, which isn't incorrect, but if you're doing a land acknowledgement and trying to lift up existing native cultures, you're more likely to lift up the ones that already have federal or state recognition, as opposed to ones that have historical proof but no protections.

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like not to be a killjoy to the liberals about it, and I get what they mean when they say this is Naumkeag land, but land use was a lot more complex than just people owning the area, and it's important to recognize that the very idea of land ownership for tribes is a tool of colonialism to strip us from it, since it by default buys into the colonial idea that land can be owned, and therefore it can be rightfully taken or bought

By saying the tribe's land was owned by the tribe, my tribe's land was taken from us because of our "legitimate ownership" forced us to play by colonial rules about land ownership

by saying it's Naumkeag land, that's kind of an oxymoron

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trans death, housing crisis and social murder, police violence 

as for Eucy, all I wish for her is to be reborn somewhere and somewhen that she can make a difference again, in the way she always wanted to. We failed her then, but that doesn't mean we have to fail her forever

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trans death, housing crisis and social murder, police violence 

all of this is changeable. but change takes patience, and time. Eucy ran out of time, and if we want a truly better future for anyone at any point we're going to have to accept that many more of us will run out of time before we get there. It's hard. But it's the only way

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re: trans death, housing crisis and social murder, police violence 

@kniferoomba oh 100%

i don't think my situation is necessarily that comparable but lately i've been thinking a lot about how i fell off from the cwi and like. it's really easy to beat myself up about it but also i can't see a timeline where i kept at it where i didn't also magically pull more money and willpower out of thin air

trans death, housing crisis and social murder, police violence 

instead, every left project that pops up collapses under the weight of 200 different dreams, "goals", ego-indentifications, and often just straight up grifts, because noone's trying to build material feedback loops that enable more people to participate more fully on the left and actually grow it. why we got so many left wing indie book publishers and zero childcare centers? they're both the same level of unprofitable

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trans death, housing crisis and social murder, police violence 

and like, you want to actually organize against the landlords? you want a truly resurgent labor movement? you want (and fuck me standing) a "revolutionary party"? first you'll have to do the basic prepolitical work of keeping people like Eucy alive and healthy enough to fight. But work on this problem is few and far between on the American left

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trans death, housing crisis and social murder, police violence 

because the social-material connective tissue for the organizing people want to do just isn't there. which is the same reason Eucy had to die like this. Our currently existing systems of "mutual aid" cannot provide someone like her with a real alternative to paying over a thousand dollars a month to a private landlord for the privilege of staying alive in Ballard

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trans death, housing crisis and social murder, police violence 

i remember her vigil. the local DSA put it on. Dozens gathered in pouring rain. A few friends spoke. Everyone knew for a fact that she wanted her death politicized, so we tried to. People talked about going after the landlord. But we'd already tried that.

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trans death, housing crisis and social murder, police violence 

point is, I saw her amidst the conditions that would ultimately kill her try to reach out for something better, and she did so with incredible compassion and curiosity for the lives of her neighbors.

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trans death, housing crisis and social murder, police violence 

About a year before this happened I had helped Eucy try to organize the tenants in her building against their landlord. It didn't really come together. None of the tenant organizing efforts we tried in '21 and '22 really did. I could go into some of the structural reasons behind that but that's not really the point of this thread

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trans death, housing crisis and social murder, police violence 

we all get why she did it. Caught between the near impossibility of raising almost ten grand from an already cash strapped local community and the dehumanizing conditions of being unhoused on American streets, she figured it better to die then and there, and try and take some small piece of the landlords' machine out with her. She almost got one of the deputies. Almost but not quite

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trans death, housing crisis and social murder, police violence 

Eucy was a comrade, a friend of several friends of mine, and an amazing community presence. She died a year ago today. It was in the news. She had become disabled, unemployed, and thousands of dollars behind on rent during the darkest years of Covid. She made the fateful decision to barricade herself in her apartment on eviction day and engage three King County Sherrif's deputies in a firefight she did not survive

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