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how do you normally deal with this. is it always just a leap of faith

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so at work right now we're working on getting me a job on the finance team instead of where i am right now and like, that's awesome but we're talking about hiring the replacement for my current admin role and i hold such a deep distrust toward any employer ever that until I'm literally working in the new position I'm incredibly paranoid that they're going to just replace me and leave me high and dry

emotional diary post, nsfw mention 

and then we spent about 3 hours in bed fucking and fantasizing kink scenarios and telling each other how much we loved each other. a huge "waste" of time, but by the end of it it was pretty much impossible to feel like any moment of the weekend was wasted, if it all led up to that.

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emotional diary post, nsfw mention 

closer to the end of the day i laid in bed with my girlfriend and talked about how tired we were. how the weekend is never quite long enough to recover from the way the week tires us out. talked about how hard it is to break back into creative pursuits and hobbies, especially when you're habitually tired, and how little time it feels like we have.

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emotional diary post, nsfw mention 

ultimately i woke up only when i realized there was a tooth still stuck to the part of my jaw that came out of my head, and i probed with my tongue to find it really was missing. i only woke up after spiraling into fear over my remaining teeth falling out one after the other in response to the one dropping out

i woke up into a body where i had only lost the usual number of teeth. and really had to pee.

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emotional diary post, nsfw mention 

this past weekend was rough in a few ways, both my girlfriend and i were dealing with the dulled edge of enjoyment that depression saddles you with, both still shaking off the exhaustion of the week.

sunday morning i dreamt a significant portion of my jaw fell out of my skull, and i ran around some sort of luxury resort trying very hard to convince anybody that this was a problem and i needed to see a doctor. people laughed and dismissed me

there are like five people around and i had a sneezing fit and when i couldn't sneeze the final sneeze i involuntarily made a noise like "hawaaa~!!" please shoot me in the head

is john hoffman the guy in saw that a bunch of the fandom babygirlifies. i just read his whole deal and i think i understand it, not that i practice

pilot g2 is one of my favorite pens to write with for its feel and just how nice it looks.

until you touch it at all or drag your hand or have to use a highlighter on it. then it just smudges abysmally

AG: You see John, you and I actually have some things in common, 8ut you couldn't possi8ly understand why yet.

hey, this is a long shot, but just getting the message out there -- we're looking for a new roommate(s) to fill the third bedroom of our very affordable ($1200~ split 3 ways) 3BR 2BA apartment in Huntsville (north AL)

if anybody is looking for housing around here or knows somebody who's looking for something, let me know and we can start talking about possibilities?

feel free to share this around or whatever and DM me on here or discord if you're interested

on the bright side i learned so much in the moments i was capable of sentient thought last night

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yeah i haven't had good sex in a while, it kinda sucks, but like... it's been a while since he put out a defunctland video, you know?

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im afraid that if i have sex with a video essay on in the background one or two more times its going to like irrevocably become a fetish to me and ill be like obligatorily turning on dan olson videos whenever my gf starts pulling out toys

very rarely do i get owned b/c i'm short but a couple weeks ago i was lamenting the fact that we ran out of plastic forks and both my girlfriend and my ex were like "what are you talking about? no we're not, there's a whole extra package" and it turns out i only THOUGHT we were out of them because the extra package was on the top shelf

someone has probably made this joke before right? and probably more elegantly but this is fine

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can any of my ygo superfan friends explain to me why the word "exactly" is in this card's text.

like, without it would you assume that it loses *about* 1000 ATK but it's not exact. it could be 997 or like 1014 but it's usually close to 1000 at least

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