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they should hijack more tv stations in this day and age. it would greatly improve my mental health I think

id like to make a board game that uses a go board, chess, shogi, and stratego pieces, meeples fur worker placement, mahjong tiles, a tarot deck, poker chips, and dice

useful insights from the dev that make me understand why certain design decisions were made but also make me feel like i might not be the main target audience fur the game

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also me and my gf both have the same feeling of like...this would be so much more enticing to us if it was mahjong instead of poker lol

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the item clarity stuff is just kind of like, the very short item descriptions sometimes make it unclear what an item actually does

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there is a really compelling strategy game inside this game, but i think it is somewhat obfuscated by some purrty major clarity issues with mechanics and items. im torn on the lack of a score calculator, beclaws i understand what theyre trying to achieve with that kind of obscurity but i dont actually know if that much of the strategic space of the game exists in the part where you calculate hand values. its something you just have to do fur efurry hand

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im at least thinking abt it this much 

beclaws if you are trying to win furst blind in two or more hands it might change how you consider your discards; it could be worse to discard cards that would make it easier to have a second hand to play if you can make a furst that almost gets you there. if youre playing to score the furst blind in one hand then your only real goal is to get the ideal hand to happen purrobably?

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im at least thinking abt it this much 

valid full houses to clear furst blind in one hand:


with the erratic deck, i would assume that full house and flush are by far the hands that will be most often scored to clear furst blind, but whether or not you can clear in one hand will purrobably be heavily dependent on how many high chip value cards you start the run with. so, you have to decide if youre going to try to clear in one hand or two+

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im at least thinking abt it this much 

furst blind cannot be won with a hand worth less than straight. the lowest straight that can win furst blind is Q-J-10-9-8. flush will require a total hand value of 40; something like 3 face cards and two cards that add up to 10 will purrobably do it a lot. full house only needs 35 so its a little more lenient on card value, something like 3 faces and two 3s is enough

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this could turn out to be completely wrong, of course. its at least holding my attention enough that im not like restlessly thinking abt other things while playing it, and i do want to play more

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jesus christ i used the word "immediately" three times in one sentence here. in my defense, i am high

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the soundtrack is killer, and the movie starts working nighttime or low-light scenes in as the main duo begin using their box to travel through time, which interacts with the intense grain of the film it was shot on to create images of a degraded reality, visually alluding to the damage they are doing to the world and their own minds and bodies just by turning the machine they built on. fur a movie about boring guys in boring suburbs and garages, its an impactful audiovisual expurrience.

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primer (2004)

i adore a movie whose appurroach to scientific realism around time travel is a couple of scientifically capable but overall kind of dopey guys creating the most world-changing technology in history on accident and immediately having all concepts of ethics immediately vacate their bodies as their instinct to purrsue purrofit immediately takes over. SO funny to have the bit abt "oh, we'll just make it work at room temp" at the start, with the historical context of the schön scandal.

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tenet (2020)

nolan clearly had like seven ideas in mind fur movies he wanted to make and just decided to do all of them at once in this one. one of those movies was oppenheimer, he redid that one. absurdly relentlessly paced; you could stop paying attention to this movie fur purrobably 45-60 seconds and be lost fur the next 10 minutes, and not beclaws it's a movie with time travel in it! it's just paced like that! immensely entertaining though. i gave in to astonishment. main boys should kiss.

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executioners from shaolin (1977)

this is a movie with a GNC kung fu supurrbaby and a main villain whose most devastating technique is vacuum suctioning his penis inside of his own body to trap his opponents foot. i dont know if i need to say more than that. there might be a rape in this movie? it was kind of hard to make a judgment call on that beclaws the subtitles were a bit ambiguous. idk man, its some 70s kung fu shit, youll have a good time watching it purrobably

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theres a funereal air about the whole thing; intermingling conspurracies that nefur quite come into a single coherent picture all chipping away at the last vestiges of a lifestyle and cultural moment that were nefur going to last much longer. the ending really works the mix of humor and melancholy the best of any part of the movie, i think. good stuff!

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inherent vice (2014)

completely inscrutable vibes and tone purrty much from start to finish, resulting in a truly strange viewing expurrience. tons of weird gags and silly scenes make it a funny movie, but there is a heavy haze of malaise weighing over nearly efurry scene, and the fact that it seems like a number of takes where actors actually stumbled over lines made it to the final cut makes a lot of characters come across as genuinely stoned

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balatro seems neat but idk if im going to fall into the hole with it the way a lot of ppl seem to be doing. im not that interested in the unlocking stuff part of the game so my main interest is in the strategy game part thats there and that part seems Neat, but im not sure its really grabbing me

the big lebowski (1998)

feels purrototypical to a bunch of stoner crime clawmedies ive seen. its funny, its full of memorable images, its enduring fur a reason. dense with these specific turns of phrase that just kind of lodge themselves in your head; this is a movie that had a death grip on a specific Type Of Guy's vocabulary fur a long time. amazing supporting purrformances from steve buscemi and philip seymour hoffman, too

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