food, hrt and medication 

since 2018 when i started hrt,i go through something which is very clearly a hormonal cycle (my mam clued me into this when i offhandedly mentioned the symptoms)

it effects taste and apatite in certain ways, dairy + fish (which i normally like) at some times of the month are revolting, at the same time red meat becomes one of the few things i want to eat

ive made detailed notes about it but im unqualified to describe an actual neurological/endocrine based mechanism

food, hrt and medication 

im also taking methylphenidate, which seems to increase my reflexive nausea reaction to certain foods , i first noticed this with yoghurt, which as a child i found utterly revolting but grew to appreciate as a breakfast food as an adult.

right now the idea of consuming greek yoghurt is distinctly unappealing and has been since starting the aforementioned adhd meds


food, hrt and medication 

I've seen a number of (dubious and unsourced) claims online that supposedly explain this, the only actual peer-reviewed papers I've read seem to suggest that the apatite suppressant effects of some adhd meds is that, indeed, they dial up a kind of natual revulsion to certain foods

sometimes even handling raw meat makes me feel ill (not a bad thing overall, i do want to proceed to a plant based diet)

food, hrt and medication 

but finding myself fighting a revision to certain foods all the time is wearying, especially when it varies day to day.

it seems like more often I'm having to mask the taste or simply forgo a lot of things i once enjoyed

i do not think i can live off rice, lao gan ma and raw vegetables

food, hrt and medication 

I'm sure I'll find something reliable

still, im unhappy finding anything concrete in the medical literature is so difficult. im not too surprised at the absence of studies on trans women and HRT, we've been such an afterthought, almost a hidden shame to the medical profession.

but I'm intellectually curious as to what is specifically occuring with methylphenidate and food

food, hrt and medication 

dinner today was a romaine lettuce, 1/4 a cucumber, a carrot and a handful.lf raspberries, i once would have enjoyed that, today it was simply something easy to assemble that i could eat to not satiate a hunger (i do not seem to properly experience the sensation of hunger anymore unless 10+ hours have passed since taking meds) but instead to just take away a vaguely empty feeling in my stomach

food, hrt and medication 

i no longer seem to truly enjoy or desire food as much as i once did, I'm happy i still enjoy salted liquorice for its taste, but lacking the need to satiate hunger, im surprisingly unworried if i just stop enjoying this.

it seems the absence of hunger makes very few things appealing

I'm sure previously i would have regarded eating becoming a mechanical process as concerning, but now i mostly don't care

it is difficult to prefigure how you will react to a new context

food, hrt and medication 

linking back to hrt, its often stated that sex drive can substantially decrease on estrogen

I've found this statement to be flat out misleading

do not read on if you are not interested

food, hrt and medication 

with myself and some other women I've talked to, the effect has been a diminishment of an (sometimes downright intrusive) impulse towards sexual gratification and a slower build up towards arousal, not that (if prompted by a partner) i cant be turned on, just that i feel less impelled *in general*

if anything im incredibly happy with this, i have not been rendered disinterested in sex at all, the way my sex drive functions has simply changed qualitatively

food, hrt and medication 

I'm downright aghast that many cis doctors seem to reduce their understanding of sex drive to a polar

t = more
e = less

im sure many cis women would be struck by how misogynist this is as well

who told these men that women don't like to fuck(?)

food, hrt and medication 

id add that the addition of progesterone seems (based on my notes and recollection) to have also shifted my sex drive

i understand that many endos are hesitant to prescribe it but i do not think I'd like to go without it

food, hrt and medication 

@MollyNoise The women they've fucked badly, probably.

food, hrt and medication 

@ricardoharvin hahhaha, most likely

food, hrt and medication, sex 

@MollyNoise this so much, this whole thread so much

the last couple years my appetite and distaste for certain food has been soooo wacky. sometimes I just feel like I could not possibly eat meat, which is wild because its really all I eat. I pretty much survive on bread for a week every so often

And similar with the sex drive. Less intense intrusiveness with more long-lasting slower moods, and completely changed how anything related actually feels for the better

food, hrt and medication, sex 

@skyplayer make a note of the date this happens and the duration of days, then when it reoccurs, you may (not?) be surprised by the time interval

@MollyNoise Don't undersell yourself. You cook Vegan food just lovely.

However, I've noticed myself different problems with food. However, I also noticed that on some days eggs and milk would put me down and on another day I enjoy the brownies someone else made.

I'm not on any other medication beside HRT. Maybe it's a weird cycle thing noone speaks about but then again we're just a too small sample to tell but I'm going to use your post as pointer.

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